Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Girl's Best Friend

The "Best Friend". The ultimate "BFF". Every woman has her Go to Girl, her midnight phone call "He's such a beast!" BFF and of course the "Girls night out" friend and the "Shopping trip!!" (in giddy Reese Witherspoon voice). What would we girls do without each other? How do you choose the perfect match to that Coach purse or the the movie star sunglasses that just coo "Limo, please..." and not scream "Large bug"!

Ah yes, best friends, fuzzy slippers and sinfully rich chocolate. Absolute bliss!


 Desperate times call for desperate measures. There are, on occasion, situations, that need a bit more brute strength...shall we say? While anyone of my dear friends would rush to my aide sometimes a woman has to go beyond the manicure (gasp) and take hold of a "Best Friend" with a unique style. That's right...Sporting a fringe-y new hair cut, a bright orange one piece, and the ability to rip a tree apart, one of my new BFF's

        Ms Cha In Saw

I know, I know, I couldn't help myself. I used to be a big fan of the "Tim Allen Show" so I wanted to pay tribute from a girl's perspective. Part of my creative process is to be a bit silly. I find it really broadens my understanding of what I'm doing.

CedarBerry is on a beautiful site of almost two acres. We are covered in gorgeous Dogwoods, Cedars, Pine and assorted other trees. Lovely, except when you have an ice storm that lingers causing the landscape to rearrange itself. One of the challenges for us has been to clear a patch of fallen trees and the growth that found it's new home there.

Of course, this means a hefty chainsaw or two and the better part of a day. After the gloves, chainsaws, Kubota tractor, weedwacker, lemon-aide, bug spray, and relocation of one friendly, slithery critter we are the proud owners of much needed fire wood for winter and a soon to be grassy lawn.

The space turned out beautifully! Well worth the effort and hard work. I will confess.. I never did get to use the chainsaw. Hubby is the brute strength, not I. But she is still my BFF at CedarBerry!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Between Waking and Sleeping

CedarBerry is a place to create experiences. Explore this dream with me as it unfolds through velvet mist in my life. You know that place between waking and sleeping... where anything is possible? That's what CedarBerry's is for me. I am not yet sure what the vision will look like in the sparking morning sun. I am sure it will be a great adventure though.
CedarBerry welcomes you to watch enchanted gardens take shape, mystery dinners emerge, art instruction spark creatively, (I hope), and many other eclectic journeys unveil themselves. And hopefully a full-fledged bed and breakfast grows within it's walls!
As the dream unfolds, this is your personal invitation share in the building of CedarBerry L.L.C. Spilled paint and all...but that's another story